Sunday, December 23, 2012

Crips and Bloods: Made in America

For being a documentary, this film was a lot more entertaining than it was informing. It was interesting to see the connection between the rise of gangs in Los Angeles with the 1965 Los Angeles riot (or rebellion) even if the connection wasn't the strongest. It was also interesting to see a wide variety of people in gangs, their experiences being a part of or living in the area of gangs, and their current situation in life (especially comparing those who are still members and those who have moved on to other of life's opportunities). Perhaps the biggest frustration in watching this movie (and remember that this is coming from the point of view of a caucasian male who has been afforded every opportunity one could ask for in life) was the constant blaming of society, and for the poor conditions these young people find themselves in having "no choice," for the creation and perpetuation of gangs and criminal activity involved with it. Whilst I understand being a victim of circumstance and easily falling prey to your environment, you, as a person, has the gift and ability of choice. True, sometimes your choices can be limited, but your ability to choose cannot. You have the ability to choose not to engage in that activity. I understand that your choice to not engage in such activity can lead to extreme hardships for you and your family. The point is, it is still your choice. You can make your current condition better, for you and for your family. It may be difficult and seem impossible, but you can. Now, would I say that if I was in the same position of these individuals? Would I choose differently than these young men had? I don't know. It's easy for me to say this from the comfort of my life. One last point that I really liked was the difference that the role of fathers and family make. These were individuals who understood that they were missing a father (or often times even any adult) figure growing up, most understood that they did not want their children to be missing that same figurehead. Overall I enjoyed watching the movie, even if it was mostly people sharing their experiences that weren't necessarily informative. But by the time the credits rolled and the website was shown, I was ready to pick up and move to Los Angeles to help. I'm just not sure my above opinion would be welcome or helpful. Anyone want to come with me?

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