I don't care how bad of a situation you're in; who's going to get upset when you're covered in marshmallow? I don't know if its nostalgia, the fact that it's just that good, or some combination of the two, but I love this movie. After having seen it numerous times over the years I still laugh out loud at so many jokes (yeah, I totally lol). The interactions and chemistry between the Ghostbusters is fantastic, the writing is both clever and cheesy, and the fact that they shake nearly uncontrollably every time they use their proton packs never gets old. Any deficiencies this movie may have I forgive for it being made in the 80's. It is obviously dated, yet has aged so well. Are there times the acting falls flat? Sure. Are the special effects out of date? For sure. Is it corny? Often. Is there a time I wouldn't watch this? Rarely! This movie is just plain watchable.
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